Iran regime united in pursuit of nuclear weapons

Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran


NCRI – Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, head of the Iranian regime’s Expediency Council, said yesterday that continuing the regime’s nuclear programs is a national duty and right and added that the international community’s efforts to dissuade the regime from continuing such programs are futile.
Ali Khamenei, the regime’s Supreme Leader, declared a day earlier that his regime would under no circumstances abandon its nuclear ambitions and stressed that international sanction would have no effect.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the regime’s President, also spoke yesterday and lambasted the international community as bullies for opposing his regime’s nuclear weapons ambitions. He added that nuclear programs were a natural and legal right and that the regime had started nuclear fuel research and would “in the near future utilize this energy source completely.”

The statements by all of the theocratic regime’s leaders clearly show that all of the regime’s factions are united in theory and practice that nuclear weapons acquisition is an integral part of the regime’s strategy to continue its disgraceful rule. Neither negotiations nor appeasement will ever deter it from this goal. The policy of negotiations and appeasement of the clerical regime in past years has assisted it the most in its acquisition of nuclear weapons. This policy has even gone as far as the EU3 making a shameful offer to Tehran that if it agreed to suspend uranium enrichment activities, the EU would continue to regard the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) as a terrorist organization (AFP, 21 October 21 2004). All that remains of this policy today is the shame of conciliation vis-à-vis the religious fascism ruling Iran. To continue the same policy would be to allow Tehran to acquire the atomic bomb and to bring the world closer to war and catastrophe.

As the foreign ministers of the EU3 (Britain, Germany and France) meet in Berlin today, Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, emphasized that time has come for all negotiations with the medieval regime in Iran to be ceased and its nuclear file to be referred to the United Nations Security Council. The failed policy of appeasement and all consequent measures stemming from it should be abandoned and the greatest obstacle to democratic change in Iran should be eliminated by removing the terrorist designation from the PMOI.  

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 12, 2006

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