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Iran regime to celebrate turning into a nuclear state

Iran regime to celebrate turning into a nuclear stateDelay in adopting firm policy and imposing immediate sanctions bring mullahs a step closer to obtaining atomic bomb

The President of the mullahs’ regime Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on state television, “We will celebrate Iran going fully nuclear by the end of this year. … This is a very important milestone. Iran will establish itself at the pinnacle of the world’s technological achievements. This means that our relationship with the rest of the world will change dramatically.”

The mullahs’ Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said in this regard, “We have gone nuclear and will not abandon this technology at any cost. … Ahmadinejad announced that we want to set up 60,000 centrifuges. Defiantly, this means that Iran is determined to obtain [nuclear] fuel … which spells Iran’s definite entry into industrial production.”

Statements by leaders of the mullahs’ regime and their efforts to expedite uranium enrichment activities are the direct results of the international community’s hesitation in adopting a firm policy vis-à-vis the regime. Once again, the Iranian Resistance emphasizes the fact that only a firm policy and the imposition of comprehensive sanctions against the regime will protect the Middle East and the wider world from a fundamentalist, terrorist regime trying to arm itself with an atomic bomb.        
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 21, 2006