Iran regime pursues policy of blackmail and warmongering to prevent international community’s firm

NCRI – In the run-up to the session of the United Nations Security Council to decide on how to stop the atomic projects of the mullahs’ regime, the semi-official daily Kayhan published an article on Sunday entitled the “Evolutionary process of Iran’s nuclear strategy” in which it stated, “The West will only accept the emergence of a nuclear Iran when it has no other option and Iran has the upper-hand in the region to the extent that it can deal from a position of strength. Iran’s dossier will not be resolved with negotiations; rather it will be resolved in the streets of Beirut and Baghdad.”

This article which exposes clearly the regime’s warmongering policies stated, “The conservatives took control of government (last year) when the strategy of confidence-building had borne no fruit. … Faced with such circumstances, the state’s policy-makers felt that the continuation of that path would have irreversible consequences and there was a need for a change of policy. Domestic support for the conservatives on the one hand and Iran’s clear upper-hand in the region and the continent on the other hand created the most ripe circumstances that allowed the country’s nuclear strategy to go through a transformation. In Iraq, Afghanistan, the global oil markets, Lebanon, Palestine, Central Asia and even Latin America the situation began to transform in favor of Iran in an unimaginable way. It seemed as if there was no end to the United States’ errors.”

The daily added, “Iran’s dossier will not be resolved at the negotiations table. Even though negotiations are the only method, these events meant clearly that placing hope in the resolution of this issue through dialogue was absolute naivety.”

Referring to the continuation of the West’s policy of appeasement and lack of resolve in facing the regime, it wrote, “This file will only be resolved when the other party understands that the price of tackling Iran is so high that it must accept a painful compromise, however bitter that may be. The West will only accept the emergence of a nuclear Iran when it has no other option and Iran has the upper-hand in the region to the extent that it can deal from a position of strength. Iran’s dossier will not be resolved with negotiations; rather it will be resolved in the streets of Beirut and Baghdad.”

Kayhan wrote, “If we are seeking a solution, we must not sacrifice technical advancements for anything. Our diplomats must learn that it is a mistake for us to suspend technical work in order to prevent a crisis from forming in the political sphere. The skill and duty of a diplomat is to tell the nuclear scientists you do your work and I will take care of the crisis.” These comments clearly expose the regime’s active mindset for concealing its nuclear projects and deceiving the world while at the same time repeatedly offering to negotiate.

Therefore, in the run-up to the Security Council session, the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is blackmailing the international community and threatening to stir crises in Iraq and Lebanon in order to stop the council from making a firm decision. It is attempting to buy more time to complete its nuclear projects so that the international community would face with a fait accompli.

The Iranian Resistance once again reiterates that the only solution to the threat of the mullahs being armed with nuclear weapons is ignoring the regime’s policy of threats and blackmail and immediately imposing comprehensive sanctions against it.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 28, 2006

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