Iran: Rajavi welcomes referral of Iranian regime’s nuclear file to Security Council

Calls for comprehensive sanctions and removal of PMOI from terror list
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, welcomed the decision by the IAEA’s Board of Governors to refer the Iranian regime’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council. She called the move a first and necessary step in preventing Tehran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons and called for immediate adoption of oil, weapons, technological, and diplomatic sanctions against the regime. "The only way to confront and thwart the mullahs’ deceit and obfuscation is swift action and not to give them anymore time," she added. …

Mrs. Rajavi congratulated the Iranian nation on the referral of the clerical regime’s nuclear file to the Security Council which the Iranian Resistance had demanded for years, and saluted the courageous women and men who risked their lives and positions, to make the revelations about the regime’s ominous nuclear projects possible.

She noted that the clerical regime’s crimes and rogue behavior is not limited to its nuclear projects and said: "The heads of the clerical terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran must stand trial in an international court of law for their extensive and gross violations of human rights in Iran that includes 120,000 political executions, as well as their terrorist crimes abroad."

The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect emphasized that the definitive solution to the growing threats from the Iranian regime to peace and democracy in the region and the world is democratic change in Iran. She stressed the necessity of removing the main obstacle to such change, which is the terror designation against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, and the necessity to support the National Council of Resistance of Iran as the Iranian people’s legitimate resistance movement. 
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 4, 2006

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