Iran-Nuclear: Larijani’s emphasis on enrichment in Iran unveils mullahs’ intention to obtain A-b



Concessions and delay embolden the mullahs in their nuclear ambitions

NCRI, November 12 – Responding to proposals being floated internationally regarding Tehran’s nuclear program, Brig. Gen. Ali Larijani, Secretary for the Supreme National Security Council of the Iranian regime, reiterated yesterday that the regime would not forego uranium enrichment. “For Iran it is important to have (uranium) enrichment on its own soil,” Larijani stressed, brazenly adding, “We are not opposed to enriching uranium outside our borders for other countries if it is in line with peaceful purposes.”
Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, said, “Larijani’s statement exposes the mullahs’ sinister ambitions to acquire nuclear weapons, confirming that such concessions or proposals will only embolden the mullahs in pursuit of nuclear arms. In the past, similar proposals and initiatives only provided them the opportunity to develop and complete their nuclear projects.”
Mr. Mohaddessin added, “Any hesitation or delay in adopting a firm policy towards the mullahs’ regime will bring the world closer to the disastrous prospects of the fundamentalist mullahs arming themselves with a nuclear bomb. The time has come for the international community to refer Tehran’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council for imposition of comprehensive sanctions without delay.”
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 12, 2005

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