Iran: Negotiating with mullahs’ brings them closer to atomic bomb



NCRI – The Iranian Resistance condemns the EU’s fruitless negotiations with the mullahs’ regime since it considers it to be a destructive policy bringing the regime closer to obtaining the atomic bomb. Certain Europeans states are emphatically trying to pursue the failed policy of appeasement towards the mullahs because of their major vested economic interests. This policy will bring the region to the brink of war and catastrophe.

Simultaneous with the talks in Vienna by Mr. Javier Solana and Ali Larijani, the regime’s Foreign Ministry spokesman reiterated, "Suspension [of uranium enrichment] is an issue of the past. We will not return to the past."

The ridiculous tactics by the regime to suspend uranium enrichment for a period of one or two months, something which was immediately rejected by the regime’s officials, is a ploy by the religious fascism which has misled the world for the past 20 years to once again deceive the international community.

Through long and fruitless negotiations, the regime seeks to buy time in order to complete its atomic weapons projects and break the international community’s resolve in adopting a decisively policy against it. Therefore, there is a greater need to impose immediate and comprehensive sanctions against the religious terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 11, 2006

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