Iran: Mullahs’ supreme leader backs Ahmadinejad on nuclear projects

NCRI – Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of the theocratic regime in Iran, addressed a military gathering in Tehran yesterday and expressed support for his regime’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, insisting on continuing the regime’s nuclear projects. "Unfortunately, world bodies under the influence of hegemonic powers have lost their credibility and reputation … In fact, they have guttered this treaty [NPT] … Recent decisions by the nation’s authorities were correct and based on specialist work, strategic vision, and expertise in international politics and technical matters," he said.

Khamenei’s remarks once again reveal the regime’s ominous ambition to acquire nuclear weapons and necessitate the urgent adoption of a firm policy by the international community.

Ali Asghar Soltanieh, the Iranian regime’s representative to the IAEA in Vienna, said yesterday that the regime "will soon install 50,000 centrifuges in the Natanz facility for enrichment of [UF6] gas."

The Iranian Resistance once again stresses the need to immediately impose comprehensive oil, arms, technological and diplomatic sanctions against the ruling religious dictatorship in Iran. The mullahs must not be allowed to take advantage of the lack of firmness in the world community or to buy time to acquire a nuclear bomb. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 8, 2006

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