Iran: Mullahs’ Parliament Speaker totally rejected hand over of enriched uranium

File photo: Iranian exiles protestLatest decision by Iran, underlines the need to impose comprehensive sanctions against mullahs

Ali Larijani, Speaker of Majlis (mullahs’ parliament), on Sunday totally rejected the hand over of enriched uranium in exchange for fuel. While he could not conceal his disappointment towards the latest remarks by the U.S. President Obama on the clerical regime, he said, “There is not going to be another opportunity to discuss deceitful ideas such as exchange of material. People of Iran have realized the scope of your remarks and dishonest proposals and will not allow you to play with their national interests.” In a ludicrous manner he tried to threaten foreign powers and said, “People will give you a powerful answer by coming to the scene.” (State-run TV, December 13)

With his remarks, Larijani cleared all ambiguities and showed that the regime is not prepared to abandon its nuclear programs by negotiations and incentive packages. Continuing talks and giving concessions to the regime only helps and encourages it to advance its nuclear program.

The religious fascism ruling Iran, which is unable to overcome crises and internal rift while millions of people are calling for its downfall in streets, considers obtaining nuclear bomb as a means to save the regime and its ominous rule. Giving up nuclear projects would only expedite the regime's process of disintegration and downfall.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Security Council to immediately impose comprehensive oil, arms, technological, diplomatic and trade sanctions against the Iranian regime. It reiterates that any negotiation with the clerical regime is a major mistake which only provides time for the fundamentalist, terrorist regime to acquire nuclear arms.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 13, 2009

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