Iran: Mrs. Maryam Rajavi welcomes UN Security Council resolution

She calls for imposition of comprehensive sanctions against mullahs’ regime

The ultimate solution is democratic change by the Iranian people and their Resistance
NCRI – The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, welcomed the adoption of a resolution by the UN Security Council against the mullahs’ regime and called it a necessary response to a regime which had breached all international norms and conventions and attempted to obtain nuclear weapons which threatens regional and global peace and security.

Mrs. Rajavi reiterated that the mullahs’ reaction to the UN Security Council resolutions 1696 and 1737 in past seven months and in particular the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s speech on Thursday indicated that negotiations and compromise with the ruling mullahs are futile. They consider it a sign of weakness on the part of the international community and will use the opportunity to complete their nuclear projects. She added that only a firm policy which would include the imposition of comprehensive oil, arms, technological and diplomatic embargo against the Iranian regime could prevent the Iranian regime from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that a vast majority of Iranian people welcome these sanctions. Contrary to its pretenses, the mullahs’ regime is extremely vulnerable to such sanctions.  Feeble and engulfed in internal crises, the mullahs had taken maximum advantage of Western countries’ policy of appeasement, Mrs. Rajavi said. 

Mrs. Rajavi said that the mullahs consider acquiring nuclear weapons and dominating Iraq as two pillars indispensable to the continuation of their illegitimate survival. She reminded that the ultimate solution to the present Iranian crisis is democratic change by the Iranian people and their Resistance. Therefore, in addition to sanctions, a firm policy against the regime must recognize the Iranian people’s right to resist against the ruling religious fascism in Iran and remove the illegal terrorist label from the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). This label was annulled by the European Court of Justice, but some European countries are refusing to abide by this verdict in the framework of the policy of appeasement.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 24, 2007

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