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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIran : Mrs. Maryam Rajavi congratulates Iranian people on UN resolution

Iran : Mrs. Maryam Rajavi congratulates Iranian people on UN resolution

Image and calls for comprehensive sanctions against the mullahs’ regime

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, Maryam Rajavi, congratulated the Iranian nation on the UN Security Council’s first resolution against the mullahs’ regime that demands a halt to all uranium enrichment activities. This resolution is the right step in preventing the mullahs’ ominous dreams of acquiring an atomic bomb, she added.


Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the majority of the Iranian people are opposed to the ruling regime’s nuclear program. These projects are against Iran’s national interests and are meant to entrench the mullahs’ medieval dictatorship which is despised by the entire Iranian nation.
Mrs. Rajavi indicated that events in the past three months and incentives and concessions offered the clerical regime have once again proven that no amount of incentives or concessions will deter this regime in its pursuit of a nuclear weapon. The regime considers nuclear weapons a guarantee for its survival and an instrument for exporting fundamentalism to the region and creation of a “Global Islamic Empire.”

The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance pointed out that the only way to deal with the threats of the religious fascism in Iran to peace and tranquility in the region and the world is to adopt a firm policy vis-à-vis the mullahs’ regime. She called on the UN Security Council to impose comprehensive sanctions against the regime and not be intimidated by its threats and blackmail. Any hesitation or delay in doing so would give the mullahs the time they need to acquire nuclear weapons and will bring the region and the world a step closer to catastrophe.      

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 31, 2006