Iran: Maryam Rajavi welcomes UNSC sanction resolution on Iranian regime

Maryam Rajavi welcomes the third sanction resolution by the UN Security Council against the mullahs’ regime and calls for comprehensive sanctions

The regime is extremely susceptible to comprehensive sanctions which intensifies the internal factional feuding and increases the popular uprisings

NCRI – Earlier today the UN Security Council adopted its third resolution imposing new sanctions against the ruling religious fascism in Iran. The new resolution underlines the contents of the previous resolutions 1696, 1737 and 1747 and reiterates that the regime had not cooperated with the additional protocol and not complied with the mandates of the IAEA Board of Governors. The Council in the new resolution sanctioned 13 individuals working for the Iranian regime and ten industrial firms which are involved in the nuclear programs. It also asks the member states to refrain from permitting the Iranian air and sea cargos from entering their ports and airports and subject them to thorough inspections. The resolution warns the member states from entering into financial transactions with the Iranian banks.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, congratulated Iranian people, in particular men and women who bravely aided the Iranian Resistance to reveal the regime’s nuclear projects, for the adoption of the resolution and defeat of the regime’s ploys to prevent the adoption.

She said that the adoption of the third UN Security Council resolution against the clerical regime which coincided with Ahmadinejad’s failed trip to Iraq facing with widespread protests by Iraqis and the failure of its plots against PMOI members in Ashraf City, Iraq, are indicative of the regime’s impasse in its faltering state.

At the same time she described the resolution as inadequate and inappropriate in light of the Iranian regime’s defiance of international laws and called for imposition of comprehensive oil, arms, diplomatic and technological sanctions against it; the regime which does not abide by the international resolutions and vehemently attempts to obtain atomic bomb and endangers the peace and security of the region and the world.

Mrs. Rajavi added that the project to produce nuclear warhead and establishing Command and Control Center for Production of Atomic Bomb which both were disclosed by the Iranian Resistance on February 20, in addition to remarks by IAEA officials on February 26 regarding the nuclear warhead project and a detonator at the distance of 10km from a 400m underground well plus explosions in the altitude of 600m show that there is not enough time left for the international community to stop the godfather of terrorism from obtaining nuclear bomb. However, any delay in adopting a firm policy vis-à-vis the Iranian regime would face the region and the world with a major catastrophe.  

Mrs. Rajavi reiterated that the policy of appeasement and dialogue provided the most opportunities to the Iranian regime to get closer to manufacturing the nuclear bomb. She said that despite the clerical regime’s pretensions, it is very susceptible to comprehensive sanctions, which would exacerbate the regime’s internal crisis and social public protests and discontent against it.

The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, while pointing out to the fact that the clerical regime views nuclear bomb and export of fundamentalism and terrorism in general and gaining dominance in Iraq in specific as the two pillars for continuation of its illegitimate rule, reminded that the ultimate solution to current Iran crisis is democratic change by Iranian people and the Resistance. Thus, a decisive policy, in addition to imposing sanctions, should recognize the right of Iranian people to resist against the religious fascism and removal of the illegal terror tag against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). The judiciary branches in Europe have ruled for annulment of the terror label which has been the main obstacle to change in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 3, 2008

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