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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIran: Maintaining centrifuges by mullahs facilitates obtaining nuclear weapons

Iran: Maintaining centrifuges by mullahs facilitates obtaining nuclear weapons

The New York Times reported on September 19, 2014: “…  -Mixing face-saving diplomacy and innovative technology, (U.S.) negotiators are attempting a new approach, suggesting that the Iranians call in a plumber.

The idea is to convince the Iranians to take away many of the pipes that connect their nuclear centrifuges, the giant machines that are connected together in a maze that allows uranium fuel to move from one machine to another, getting enriched along the way. That way, the Iranians could claim they have not given in to Western demands that they eliminate all but a token number of their 19,000 machines.”

If there is validity in the report, this is a dangerous and unnecessary concession to the religious fascism ruling Iran – and if it is carried out under any pretext, it would keep open the path for the mullahs’ deception and continuation of the project to obtain nuclear weapons.

The process of more than one decade of negotiations is replete with the mullahs’ systematic and incessant attempts to offer different schemes with the objective of deception and to keep open the path for the Iranian regime to obtain nuclear weapons.

It is not a coincidence that, according to Reuters, the mullahs have claimed that the regime’s cooperation against ISIL is contingent upon the West’s flexibility on the nuclear issue.

“Iran can help in the fight against the ISIL terrorists … but it is a two-way street. You give something, you take something,” a senior Iranian regime official told Reuters on September 21.

The proven experience of the past three decades is that any concession offered to the mullahs only leads to the clerical regime demanding more concessions.  The clerical regime is intent on exploiting the appeasement by the Western countries and, by resorting to deception, kill two birds with one stone.  By taking part in the campaign against ISIL, Tehran wants to compensate for the loss of its hand-picked minister in Iraq, i.e. Nouri-al-Maliki, and to expand its influence in the region and save its nuclear weapons program.

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, reiterated in her speech on September 1, “Amid the crisis in Iraq, the mullahs are engaging in deceptive tactics to find a way out of the nuclear impasse. They want to either delay the signing of the final agreement or impose their demands on it, such that they would preserve their ability to obtain nuclear weapons. I warn that any agreement that does not include the complete implementation of UN Security Council resolutions, a total halt to enrichment and allowing of snap inspections will leave the path open for the regime to obtain nuclear arms.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

September 21, 2014