Iran: Khamenei’s new fatwas are aimed at intensifying crackdown

Ali Khameinei’s new fatwas forbids revealing the Iranian regime’s crimes, listening to music, dancing, wearing short sleeve shirts by men, going to monasteries and associating with Baha’is

NCRI – Ali Khamenei, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader whose regime is besieged by intensified internal fighting among various factions and is fearing popular uprisings, has published a series of repressive instructions and directives – under the guise of publishing new fatwas.

The fatwas were published by the IRGC affiliated Fars News Agency on July 30 under the title of “New selected Issues of the Source of Emulation for Shiites Across the Globe”.

By issuing the fawas, Khamenei is attempting to stabilize his position against his rival factions and set the stage for intensifying repressive measures against the Iranian people, particularly the youth.

Ali Khamenei has promoted himself to the position of “Source of Emulation for Shiites Across the Globe” while in theological seminaries everyone considers him a low-level mullah as far as his studies concerns.

In the past such claim has been ridiculed to such an extent that had forced him to name himself as the “Source of Emulation for Shiites Abroad”.

“The velayat-e faqih… (absolute rule of the clegy) is a branch of the rule of the pure Imams (referring to the Shiite Islam’s twelve Imams), which is the rule of Prophet Mohammad. On issues related to administering an Islamic countries and matters that are related to all Muslims, the opinion of the ruler of Muslims is in priority,” he said in fatwas No. 15 and 16.

In fatwa number 431, Khamenei has declared that revealing documents indicating the regime’s corruption and crimes are forbidden. “Reporting the officials’ injustice… is of no good before the people, and in fact if it causes sedition and corruption and degrades the Islamic government, it is forbidden.”

In these fatwas he has once again described the implementation of horrific punishments under the title of ‘Hudud’ (the class of punishment) as indispensable.
He writes: “Implementing Hudud during the time of the absence (to 12th Imam of Shiite Muslims) is essential, and the Velayat-e faqih is the ruler of the Muslims in this regard.” (No. 18)

To prevent the people’s access to open information, the fatwas inssued indicates that “Purchasing, possessing, installing and repairing satellite dishes is not authorized”, “If there are any laws in this regard they must be observed”, “It is vital to avoid viewing films that insult [the regime’s] sacred values” and using Internet cafés and … making an income through such means is not appropriate. (No. 491- 493)

Khamenei emphasizes, “Promoting and teaching music, and assembling music classes, despite the fact the music might be halal (solvent), it is not compatible … with the goals of the establishment” and “Listing to female singers that are mainly full of corrupt matters, is not permitted” (No. 464, No. 466).
According to these fatwas, dancing for men is “haram” (unlawful) and women dancing for women has been announced as unauthorized. “Wearing ties and other clothes that are considered non-Islamic clothing, where using such dress promotes degenerated Western culture, is not authorized.” (Number 478)

In these repressive and inhumane fatwas, Khamenei on one hand writes about participating in monastery ceremonies, “One must avoid taking part in such ceremonies and any action that promotes such centers.” And on the other hand issues an order that “One must avoid having any relations with the ‘straying sect’ (referring to the Baha’is)” (No. 260 and No. 475).

The new fawas that consists of Khamenei’s nearly 500 fatwas in the past few years, there is no mentioning of Khamenei’s ridiculous and false fatwa declaring the nuclear bomb as haraam (sinful), which the mullahs’ regime continuously refers to in its foreign visits and interviews in order to deceive the international community.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 1, 2013

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