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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIran: Khamenei declares mullahs soon obtain nuclear weapons

Iran: Khamenei declares mullahs soon obtain nuclear weapons

National Council of Resistance of IranKhamenei implicitly declared clerical regime would soon obtain nuclear weapons
Call for comprehensive sanctions against religious fascism ruling Iran

NCRI – Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the clerical regime, fearing wide range of political and economic crisis combined with growing public discontent, resorted to a hollow show of force by implicitly declaring that its regime will soon obtain nuclear weapons. Meanwhile he described the regime's opponents as "fingertips of the enemy."

Khamenei, emboldened by the leniency of the Western powers accompanied by their concessions, which are considered as signs of weakness, said the clerical regime "by strengthening itself scientifically, economically and technologically will overcome all the conspiracies by the foreigners and in a near future will reach a point that no enemy would dare even to think of a military, political or economic offensive against dear Iran." (ISNA state-run news agency, May14, 2009).

These remarks clearly show that the clerical regime has found the continuation of appeasement policy and new concessions coupled by more negotiations as the best opportunity to acquire nuclear weapons and is trying to buy more time by delays and procrastination.

The Iranian Resistance warns against catastrophic consequences if the clerical regime did obtain nuclear weapons. This is a regime which aims to dominate the region and establish an Islamic empire. It also calls on the international community and the UN Security Council to abandon the policy of appeasement and to adopt a firm policy as well as immediate imposition of comprehensive sanctions against the medieval regime ruling Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 15, 2009