Iran: Jalili’s presence in EU Parliament is aimed at buying more time for Iran’s nuclear dossier

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the invitation of Saeed Jalili, the mullahs’ Secretary of Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) to speak at the EU Parliament and his possible further talks with the EU and Belgium officials. The Resistance also calls for the cancellation of all such meetings.  

Shaking the hands of a culprit of a quarter century of suppression, torture and execution of Iranian people, and also war mongering and export of terrorism and fundamentalism to the rest of the world, is nothing but to keep afar from basic democratic principles.

Sending off Jalili to Brussels at the same time as the Berlin 5+1 meeting is in progress is inline with the same policy of time-buying and deception by the ruling clerics in Iran to seek postponement of a new UN Security Council Resolution imposing further sanctions.

The Iranian Resistance once again calls for the imposition of comprehensive oil, arms, technological, and diplomatic sanctions on the regime. The Resistance also reminds the dangers of having the top state sponsor of terrorism in the world going nuclear while its meddling in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon has already engulfed the entire region into an inferno. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 22, 2008

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