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Iran: IAEA report signals need for comprehensive sanctions against mullahs

IAEA HeadquartersLatest IAEA report highlights mullahs’ nuclear weapons project again and signals need for comprehensive sanctions

Western negotiations and concessions biggest aid to the mullahs for producing atomic bomb

NCRI – The latest report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) sheds fresh international light on the Iranian regime’s attempts to continue and expand its project to obtain a nuclear weapon, simultaneously engaging in deception and secrecy. This demands the adoption of a firm policy and imposition of comprehensive sanctions against the Iranian regime more than ever before.

The IAEA report expresses outstanding concerns due to the clerical regime’s lack of response to the agency’s questions about experiments pointing to the military dimension of its nuclear program. In this regard, it notes that, “The Agency has still not received a positive reply from Iran in connection with the Agency’s requests and, therefore, has not had access to relevant information, documentation, locations or individuals.”

The new IAEA report indicates that the number of the regime’s deployed centrifuges has now reached 7,000, showing a 30 percent increase compared to the number of centrifuges mentioned in the agency’s February report. The Iranian regime has increased its stockpile of low-enriched uranium (LEU) by 500 kg, according to the nuclear watchdog.

The report adds that the clerical regime has refused to grant the inspectors access to the heavy water reactors in the city of Arak. It also talks about the testing and deployment of more advanced models of centrifuges, which had already been revealed earlier by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Some of the other points highlighted in the IAEA’s latest report include: Failure to implement the Additional Protocol and violation of UN Security Council resolutions and IAEA Board of Governors requests, including suspension of uranium enrichment and heavy water related projects, as well as stonewalling requests to disclose information about new projects such as the nuclear power plant in Darkhovin.

Although the IAEA report has failed to note many other aspects of the Iranian regime’s nuclear activities and has turned a blind eye to scores of further violations, it nonetheless clearly demonstrates that the ruling clerics in Iran have benefited most in regards to the expansion and completion of their nuclear project thanks to the Western countries’ policy of negotiations and concessions.

While the regime speedily steps closer to building a nuclear weapon, providing it with the opportunity to clarify its position about negotiations until the end of 2009, is a great mistake. This opportunity moves the regime closer to its objective.

A timid and soft approach vis-à-vis the clerical regime persists while Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the mullahs’ President, on June 4 boasts his government’s four-year achievements by pointing to the Western countries’ acquiescence and concessions to his regime. He added, “Today, we have achieved nuclear capability.” Before, he said, the regime had to conduct many rounds of negotiations “on just three centrifuges,” whereas “now more than 7,000 centrifuges are running.” Prior to this, he had rejected uranium enrichment suspension, saying, “No one can block our progress toward producing nuclear fuel” (Fars News Agency, April 14, 2009).

The Iranian Resistance reminds about the immediate and serious threats for peace and tranquility in the region and the world as a result of the fundamentalist and terrorist mullahs’ ability to acquire a nuclear bomb. The Iranian Resistance thus calls on the UN Security Council to immediately adopt comprehensive military, diplomatic, technological, and oil embargoes against the Iranian regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 6, 2009