Iran: IAEA report makes UNSC sanctions resolution imperative

Iranian Resistance is ready to provide the IAEA with information on organs and individuals involved in the nuclear program that the clerical regime denies their existence

NCRI – Subsequent to the report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the clerical regime’s nuclear program, Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), reiterated that the report, despite its serious shortcomings and deficiencies, clearly shows that the Iranian regime has no intention of exposing secret aspects of its nuclear program and has not given up on the project to produce nuclear bomb or warhead in particular. He added that any vacillation or delay by the UN Security Council member states in imposing comprehensive sanctions would provide the regime freer hand in pursuing nuclear weapons.

Mohaddessin pointed out that the response of the clerical regime to many of the agency’s questions are primarily based on correspondence of various organs within the regime. These correspondences have no legal bearing and are fabricated to deceive the IAEA.

He referred to the clerical regime’s denial of "existence of some of the organizations and project officers" involved in nuclear program that the IAEA had sought information about and said that it was "preposterous" which would not fool any impartial investigator. Mr. Mohaddessin asked Dr. ElBradeie to provide the names of these organs and officials to the NCRI and it would ascertain specific detailed information on the current status of these individuals or organs for the IAEA.

He also urged the IAEA to dispatch its inspectors to visit secret centers and projects in Tehran that were provided to the IAEA by the Iranian Resistance and were subsequently announced in a press conference in Brussels.

Mr. Mohaddessin reminded the experience of Lavizan Shian site which was exposed by the Resistance in March 2003 but the IAEA visited the site 14 months later in May 2004. By then, the clerical regime had raised the site to the ground.  

The IAEA report has highlighted a number of unanswered questions, and unresolved issues that are of serious concern and critical to an assessment of the military dimension to Tehran’s nuclear program. They include, the machining of enriched uranium metal into hemispheres, the procurement activities of some military related institutions, high explosive tests, the missile re-entry vehicle, efforts to procure training courses on neutron calculations, and enrichment/isotope separation, spark gaps, shock wave software, neutron sources and radiation measurement equipment for borehole gamma spectrometers, and laser related research and development.

According to the IAEA report, Tehran has denied the existence of some of the organizations and project offices and has denied the existence of some of the people inquired about. This behavior is consistent with Tehran’s policy of denial and concealment of its nuclear weapons program.

The IAEA report also emphasizes that contrary to the decisions of the Security Council, Iran has not suspended its enrichment related activities, having continued the enrichment of uranium in Natanz. In addition, Tehran started the development of new generation of P-2 centrifuges. The regime has also continued construction of the heavy water reactor and operation of the Heavy Water Production Plant in Arak.

In a press conference in Brussels on Wednesday, the NCRI unveiled the command and control center as well as the main center for military nuclear research of the clerical regime in Mojdeh site in Lavizan district of Tehran and the regime’s nuclear warhead project located in Khojir site (southeast Tehran). Both of these sites are under direct command and control of the Ministry of Defense.

According to reliable reports, the clerical regime is conducting research on various aspects of nuclear weaponization program including working on neutron generator and a trigger for atomic bomb, producing Polunium-210 and Beryllium, as well as nano-diamond in Mojdeh site. These areas have direct correlation with areas that the clerical regime has refused to provide information.

The information obtained by the National Council of Resistance of Iran clearly shows that the Iranian regime is undoubtedly developing the nuclear bomb and none of the three essential parts to make nuclear bomb have been halted; to the contrary, all three parts have been expedited.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 23, 2008

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