Iran: Delay in imposing comprehensive sanctions against mullahs’ regime is not permissible

NCRI – On Tuesday, the foreign ministers of the European Union admitted that EU nuclear talks with the Iranian regime had run into a dead-end and it had “no choice” but to return the matter to the UN Security Council. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana announced that for three months the EU tried in vain to convince Iranian regime to suspend its uranium enrichment activities. Following an hour-long telephone conversation with Ali Larijani, the secretary general of the regime’s Supreme National Security Council, Solana told reporters, “There is nothing, nothing, nothing new. The situation has not changed.” (AFP, October 17)

NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin said in this regard, “The reality is that it has been at least four years since the atomic projects of the mullahs’ regime were revealed by the Iranian Resistance; yet the EU is trying in the framework of the fruitless policy of appeasement to make a deal with the religious fascism ruling Iran. This is a damaging policy which has allowed the mullahs to come closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon, increase their meddling in Iraq and work to export terrorism, fundamentalism and warmongering to the region without any obstacles.”

He said, “Now that the EU openly admits to the failure of the policy of appeasement, there is no excuse for delay in the adoption of a decisive policy and imposition of immediate and comprehensive diplomatic, arms, technologic and oil sanctions by the UN Security Council against the mullahs’ regime. The time has come to adopt such a policy in order to prevent the mullahs from obtaining a nuclear bomb.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 18, 2006

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