Iran: Clerical regime officially defies UN Security Council Resolution 1803

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At a time when Ahmadinejad calls for deployment of the regime's entire nuclear capacity following Majlis sham elections, the imposition of comprehensive sanctions against the regime is a necessity far more than before

NCRI – Manouchehr Motaki, the clerical regime's Foreign Minister, in a letter addressed to the United Nations Secretary General, officially rejected implementation of the UN Security Council resolution 1803. He brazenly described the resolution as being "unlawful" and stated that his government would not be "bound to respect or implement" the resolutions.

He described the officials in charge of the nuclear projects, censured by the Security Council resolutions, as "national heroes" and said, "The United States and three European countries have been trying to use the Board of Governors of the IAEA and the Security Council to achieve their political and propaganda objectives."

He ludicrously wrote in his letter that the regime "reserves its right to prosecute the Security Council and those countries which made instrumental and political use of the Security Council to adopt unjust and unlawful measures to inflict damages on the Iranian nation. These countries must 'compensate for the damages and offer apologize.'"

The Iranian regime's defiance of the Security Council resolutions and their rejections in words and practice makes it absolutely crucial for the international community to adopt comprehensive arms, oil, technical and diplomatic sanctions against the regime. It is especially crucial as the regime is trying to expedite efforts to acquire nuclear weapons after the recent Majlis sham elections and the purge of rival factions.

A day after the elections on March 15, Ahmadinejad sent a message to Khamenei, the regime's Supreme Leader, saying that the Iranian people used the elections to "defend all their rights, in particular their right to use their entire nuclear capacity, with an exemplary display of might." This of course means nothing but to acquire nuclear bomb.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 28, 2008

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