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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIran: Ahmadinejad vows continuation of nuclear program, export of terror

Iran: Ahmadinejad vows continuation of nuclear program, export of terror

Iranian regime's nuclear  activitiesNCRI – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian regime's president, brazenly declared in a press conference on Monday in the midst of the sham presidential race, that, "The nuclear issue is over and if the people of Iran elect me, our diplomacy will continue to be the same proud and wise diplomacy." He went on to make the ridiculous claim that negotiations with the West "can only be over the issue of participation in and management of global affairs." Two days ago, he also said that, "They kept threatening us with resolutions for twenty years, but when they finally issued the resolutions, nothing happened."

Ahmadinejad also emphasized the mullahs' policy of exporting terrorism, and added, "If we ignore global spheres, enemies will dominate them, and they will subsequently issue ultimatums for us. Therefore, building an Iran not involved in global zones [of influence] is impossible. … Our revolution's policy is what the late Imam [Ruhollah Khomeini, the clerical regime's founder] … and the Supreme Leader have already emphasized."

At the same time, the mullahs' naval commander, Habibollah Sayari, announced the sending of "six warships to the Gulf of Aden and international waters."

As such, the ruling religious dictatorship of Iran demonstrates that it has peace of mind in the absence of a firm international policy towards it. While exploiting the Western countries' timidity, appeasement and calls for negotiations, it defiantly and openly insists on continuing its attempts to acquire a nuclear weapon, expand its missiles arsenal, export terror and meddle in the affairs of other countries of the region.

The Iranian Resistance highlights the irrevocable and urgent threat posed by the clerical regime against regional and global peace and tranquility, and calls on the UN Security Council to adopt immediate and comprehensive arms, technological, diplomatic and oil embargoes against the clerical regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 26, 2009