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Iran: Ahmadinejad rejects any negotiations, IAEA expresses concern

NCRI – Yesterday, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking in Tehran on "al-Quds day, a day of protests in support of the Palestinian people," defended the mullahs’ nuclear program and emphasized his comments at the UN General Assembly by saying, "Iran is no longer willing to discuss its undeniable right to nuclear energy and the major powers should know our position." He referred to the regime’s factional infightings and said, "Some claim on their own that they want to negotiate [with the West]…Unfortunately, in Iran there are some people who have access to media. Some others, out of fear or wrong assessment of the country’s status in its nuclear dossier are bitter and want to intervene in its ongoing progress."

On Wednesday, Ali Larijani, the clerical regime’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary announced, "Technically speaking we have reached a point of no return. No one is able to ignore it [in the nuclear dispute]."
Ahmadinjad’s comments come at a time when the IAEA chief Muhammad ElBaradei again called on the Iranian regime to "clear up suspicions over its acquisition of advanced centrifuges before he reports to the IAEA governing board on November 22…If Iran failed to deliver on a pledge to provide those answers it would ‘backfire in their face.’"
In the meantime, French diplomats said that based on a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency received in Paris, the agency believes Iran will have 18 cascades running by the end of October — or the equivalent of just under 3,000 centrifuges. The Associated Press reported on Wednesday.
Such remarks underscore the need for imposing comprehensive weapons, oil, technological, and diplomatic sanctions on the clerical regime in Iran which is charging full steam ahead to obtain an atomic bomb. This coupled with its increased meddling in Iraq, if not stopped, would push the region and the world to the brink of a major catastrophe.      
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 6, 2007