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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIAEA underscores mullahs' regime expanded efforts to obtain nuclear weapons

IAEA underscores mullahs’ regime expanded efforts to obtain nuclear weapons

Lion and Sun official symbol of the  NCRIIAEA’s new report underscores Iranian regime’s expanded efforts to acquire nuclear weapons and to continue concealing its nuclear activities which makes adoption of comprehensive sanctions more imperative

NCRI – The new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which was submitted to the Board of Governors yesterday clearly indicates that the Iranian regime has continued and expanded its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons and underscores the regime’s ongoing deception and concealment in this respect. This makes the need to adopt a firm policy including comprehensive sanctions against the regime more imperative.

The report underlines the regime's lack of cooperation with the IAEA in responding to questions on the military nature of its nuclear program and its refusal to provide information on new projects including the installations in Darkhovin. For the first time the report points out that the inspectors of the IAEA were not allowed to visit Arak heavy water installations. This is while; satellite imageries show that there have been new developments at this site. According to the report, the quantity of enriched uranium by the regime exceeds a ton. This volume in case of being highly enriched would be enough for production of a nuclear bomb.

The IAEA stresses that following the previous report in last November, the mullahs have not provided any new information on areas of concern regarding the military nature of the nuclear program and have not allowed access to information, documents, locations or individuals linked to these questions. The regime has also refused to provide a timetable for its response to these questions.

Mullahs’ persistent and ongoing deceit and efforts to conceal its nuclear program and refusal to cooperate with the IAEA point to the fact that the regime is trying to buy more time to acquire nuclear bomb. Some 80 revelations by the Iranian Resistance over the past six years, which have uncovered many secret nuclear sites and projects of the regime, endorse this fact. But, the international community and in particular the European Union, by continuing negotiations with the regime and giving concessions to it, have allowed the medieval regime to get even closer to producing nuclear bomb.

The Iranian Resistance once again reminds the international community of the immediate threats of the regime to peace and tranquility in the region and the world. It also calls on the United Nations Security Council to adopt a firm policy vis-à-vis the regime including imposition of comprehensive arms, diplomatic, technological and oil sanctions. The final response to the threats of the ruling fundamentalist regime in Iran which is rapidly trying to obtain nuclear bomb is a democratic change by the Iranian people and their Resistance.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 20, 2009