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IAEA report on mullahs’ nuclear project is a clear indication of violation of UN resolutions

NCRI – The IAEA report on the Iranian regime’s nuclear projects, despite its deficiencies and some unwarranted concessions made, is a clear sign of the violation of UN resolutions 1737 and 1747.

According to the report, 1968 centrifuges are in operation. Separately, two other groups consisted of 164 devices are also working without UF6 gas injection. The installation of two additional groups, each of 164 centrifuges, is under way. Construction of heavy water installation and its power plant are still continued in Arak. The regime has not yet disclosed the way it has obtained P1 and P2 centrifuges and its relations with A.Q. Khan’s network. A major unresolved dispute between the IAEA and the regime continues to be over the uranium metal which has military use. Also dispute over Plutonium 210 and the Green Salt project remain unsettled. What is even more important is the fact that the regime still refrains from signing the additional protocol which allows snap inspections by the IAEA.

Such unresolved matters, and many others, are clear indications of violations of UN Security Council resolutions by the regime which call for immediate imposition of comprehensive sanctions against it.

The regime’s acclaimed progress in relations with the IAEA and its pledges bear no value. They merely prepare the grounds for the regime to continue with its deception and secrecy and buys the necessary time for completing its nuclear weapons projects.

In his recent press conference, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reiterated that there will be no interruption in nuclear program and emphasized that the uranium enrichment will continue and will go into “industrial production” phase.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 31, 2007