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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIAEA report makes imposing comprehensive sanctions on the Iranian regime more imperative

IAEA report makes imposing comprehensive sanctions on the Iranian regime more imperative

NCRI – The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) stressed in a report published today that not only has the Iranian regime defied the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1696, 1737 and 1747 calling for the immediate suspension of its uranium enrichment program, it has also started up and expanded the production of its centrifuges. The Iranian mullahs have utilized at least 1,300 centrifuges to enrich uranium on a much larger scale.

In recent weeks, the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have repeatedly stated that the regime will press ahead and will not back away even one step from its pursuit of the nuclear program and uranium enrichment.

Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, stated in this regard, “Today’s IAEA report once again demonstrates that despite the West’s offers for more concessions and incentives, and emphasis on the desire to negotiate with the regime, the mullahs will never give up on their quest to obtain a nuclear bomb. This is a reality that has become clearer day by day during the past 5 years since the revelations about the Natanz and Arak facilities first came to light.”

While at its weakest point during the last 28 years, the religious fascism ruling Iran is now suffering from complete regional and international isolation, as well as from a severe lack of legitimacy at home. In such circumstances it knows perfectly well that the only guarantees for its survival are the nuclear bomb and domination of Iraq.

While stressing that preventing a nuclear-armed Iranian regime was still possible, Mohaddessin expressed dismay over the remarks attributed to Mr. Mohamed ElBaradei, suggesting that the Iranian regime should be allowed some degree of uranium enrichment. Such comments, he said, only embolden the Tehran regime in its pursuit of nuclear weaposns.

NCRI’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chair called on the members of the UN Security Council to adopt a decisive policy that must entail the implementation of comprehensive oil, technological, weapons and diplomatic sanctions.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 23, 2007