Ahmadinejad’s insistence on enrichment coupled with the trip by Larijani to buy more time in Vienn

NCRI – Yesterday, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in addressing the people in of Gilan (Northern Province of Iran) insisted on enrichment and ridiculously said, “If we are supposed to suspend (our nuclear activities) for the sake of negotiations, then you should suspend your nuclear activities as well.”

He added, “They say that suspension is the precondition for the (resumption) of talks, and we say how come your giant nuclear fuel production plants should work 24 hours a day, but the (nuclear) complex that we have just established should stop working.”

At same time, the mullahs’ regime has dispatched Brig. Gen. Ali Larijani, the mullahs’ Supreme National Security Council’s Secretary to buy time through talks with the IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei in Vienna. He tried to use a softer tone but at end said, “If negotiations resume without a precondition, Iran may consider giving the west the assurances it needs about the regime’s nuclear program’s peaceful purposes.”

NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin said that giving the leaders of the regime a chance to maneuver would be a dangerous game played on the part of some official in the EU which will give the religious fascism enough time to pursue its nuclear program.

He added that the same route has been tried in past many times and proved to be ineffective with the regime.  The international community has only one way to stop the Iranian regime form obtaining an atomic bomb which is the imposition of comprehensive sanctions against it.    

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 21, 2007

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