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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearAhmadinejad issues threats while nuclear bomb material is smuggled to Iran

Ahmadinejad issues threats while nuclear bomb material is smuggled to Iran

Ahmadinejad issues threats while nuclear bomb material is smuggled to Iran NCRI – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of the Iranian regime, once again threatened the world community and engaged in obfuscation about the regime’s nuclear projects on Saturday, February 11, on the anniversary of the Iranian revolution. Speaking to a crowd that was bussed to Tehran from various cities by the regime, he said that the Iranian regime’s policy “has until now been the peaceful use of nuclear technology and has been within the framework of the NPT. But if the Iranian nation’s right is denied based on these same regulations, we will revise our policies regarding the NPT.”


Ahmadinejad’s claim to the peaceful use of nuclear energy is outrageous on the revelation by the Turkish Deputy Minister of Trade on the recent attempt to smuggle banned special aluminum with use in building nuclear weapons by the clerical regime in Iran. Part of the consignment en route to Iran from Europe was confiscated in Turkey recently. The British press also reported yesterday that Tehran had restarted advanced P-2 centrifuges that can only have military application and has begun feeding them with uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas, a key component in the production of nuclear bombs.

The clerical regime’s obfuscation and threats coupled with its intensified efforts to illegally import and construct the parts for a nuclear weapon, underline the necessity for the immediate imposition of comprehensive oil, technological, arms, and diplomatic sanctions on the regime. Any further delay or hesitation will grant the Iranian regime the time it needs to acquire nuclear weapons.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 12, 2006