Ahmadinejad counts on appeasement policy to obtain atomic bomb

NCRI – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in “addressing the inaugural ceremony of the 10th nationwide congress of the Students’ Islamic Society in Tehran” said, “…now over 3000 centrifuges are operating and a new group is installed every week…Without giving up even an iota of its nuclear rights Iran would continue progress in the field of nuclear technology…You can see that without giving up anything, in a few years we have become a nuclear state… As the Iranian nation took a step forward, the bullying powers retreated one step,” the state-run news agency Fars reported today. The ruling clerical dictatorship challenges the UN Security Council Resolutions by adding more centrifuges and pursuing full steam ahead with its enrichment program.

NCRI – The following statement was issued on Sunday, September 2, 2007:

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in “addressing the inaugural ceremony of the 10th nationwide congress of the Students’ Islamic Society in Tehran” said, “…now over 3000 centrifuges are operating and a new group is installed every week…Without giving up even an iota of its nuclear rights Iran would continue progress in the field of nuclear technology…You can see that without giving up anything, in a few years we have become a nuclear state… As the Iranian nation took a step forward, the bullying powers retreated one step,” the state-run news agency Fars reported today. The ruling clerical dictatorship challenges the UN Security Council Resolutions by adding more centrifuges and pursuing full steam ahead with its enrichment program.

Ahmadinejad bragged about his administration taking advantage of the appeasement policy by the western countries vis-à-vis the regime and tried to settle scores with the other faction within the regime. He said, “Although, some, in clear breach of the law, were trying to ratify the Additional Protocol, we simply put it aside…In the nuclear issue, the pressure imposed on us from the western [governments] was not comparable with that of the cowards within [the system] who pretended that they were very knowledgeable. However, at all times, they advised us to compromise not knowing that if we give in to westerners their enmity will not subside…They (individuals he referred to) were not only a couple of people. There were at least 8 or 10 of them.” 

Last night, in a separate speech, Ahmadinejad said, “There were days at which I was told the war would be inevitable and we should back off. I guarantee them that it would never happen…The bullying powers will never be able to threaten Iran. The problem of superpowers is in Iraq and Afghanistan and can not afford another one…”

Once again Ahmadinejad’s remarks demonstrate that the appeasement policy toward the mullahs’ regime bears no fruit. It has only emboldened them to get closer to an atomic bomb.  Such policy which is especially followed by the EU would face the world with a major catastrophe: a terrorist dictatorship armed with nuclear weapons.  Only a firm policy based on imposition of comprehensive weapons, diplomatic, technological, and oil sanctions will prevent the Iranian regime from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 2, 2007

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