US legislators’ solidarity with thousands of Iranians

demonstrating in support of MeK delisting and Ashraf protection
NCRI – A number of bipartisan US legislators from the Senate and House of Representatives, through sending messages, expressed their solidarity with the rally of thousands of Iranians in Washington, DC. calling for delisting of MeK and protection of Ashraf.

Among those who sent messages were: Senator John Boozman (member of Senate Trade, Science and Transportation Committee); Senator Claire McCaskill (member of Senate Armed Forces Committee); Rep. Bob Filner (Ranking Democrat in House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Co-Chair, Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus); Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (Chair of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation, Co-Chair, Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus); Rep. Judge Ted Poe (member of House Foreign Affairs Committee): Rep. Mike Coffman (member of House Armed Forces Committee); Rep. Judy Chu (member of Judicial and Terrorism Subcommittee); Rep. Ed Towns (ranking Democrat in Government Oversight Committee); Rep. William Lacy Clay; Rep. Daniel Lungren and Rep. Tom McClintock.

In its message of solidarity, the Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus in the House of Representatives while noting the pivotal role of the MeK in the confrontation against the religious dictatorship, acknowledged that maintaining the designation of the MeK on the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list will empower the mullahs and provide ample capitol to the Iranian and Iraqi Governments and those who wish to eliminate the resident of Camp Ashraf.

The message addresses the demonstrators by saying: “We join you in calling on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to immediately complete her review of the MEK status – as ordered last year by the United States Court of Appeals in Washington, DC. We echo the sentiments of prominent former U.S. officials such as General James Jones; Governor Tom Ridge; General Hugh Shelton; Mayor Rudy Giuliani; Governor Howards Dean; Judge Louis Freeh; Judge Michael Mukasey; General Michael Hayden, as well nearly 100 co-sponsors of the H.Res.60 who have called on her to remove the MEK from the U.S. FTO list.”

The messages warns that: “… failure to do so immediately places the lives of the 3,400 unarmed Camp Ashraf civilians in grave danger and prevents peaceful and acceptable settlement of these political refugees to any democratic nation”.

US Senators and House Representatives expressed their concern over the US State Department’s injustice in taking no initiative despite the passing of over a year since the Appeals Court verdict to review the FTO designation.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 28, 2011

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