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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceUrgent: lives of ailing political prisoners in grave danger

Urgent: lives of ailing political prisoners in grave danger

The clerical regime has intensified unprecedented pressures on sick prisoners

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance raises alarm against the critical state of political prisoners with serious ailments and calls for urgent interventions to save their lives.

Mohsen Dokmechi, 50, with pancreas cancer, underwent surgery after suffering five months of unbearable pain deprived of medical attention. However, despite emphasis of his physicians on his need for chemotherapy and due medical care, regime henchmen transferred him back to ward 4 of Gohardasht prison shortly after his operation. Mohsen Dokmechi, a well known merchant in Tehran’s Bazaar, was arrested in September of 2009 and subsequently sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in Gohardasht prison.

Mashallah (Hamid) Haeri is in critical condition due to internal bleeding and acute heart disease following two previous heart attacks. He was arrested in December 2009 and after undergoing severe torture was charged with Moharebeh and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment in Gohardasht prison.

Shir-Mohammad Rezaii, with acute ailment in his digestive system, is in urgent need of surgery. His condition has deteriorated due to lack of medical care in prison. He is father of two PMOI members residing in Camp Ashraf.

All three are political prisoners of the1980s who have experienced brutal torture for many years for supporting the PMOI. This time all three are sentenced to long prison terms on the grounds of having families in Ashraf.

They are among 62 political prisoners who have been transferred to Ward 4 of Gohardasht prison since January 23 in order to increase torture and pressures on them. Prisoners in this dungeon are deprived of basic life stock, medical care, family visits or telephone contacts. Two months ago, political prisoner Jaafar Sarbandi died one week after his transfer to this ward due to severe prison conditions. On January 29, 2011, Arash Arkan another political prisoner in Evin, died of lack of necessary medical treatment to treat torture affecting his kidneys. He had already served 15 months and was arrested during the 2009 uprising while trying to save an-other dissident.

In Rasht central prison, political prisoner Hadi Abed Bakhoda, 51, a political prisoners of the 1980’s, is in life threatening condition due to incision of his spinal cord, dysfunction of one kidney and septicemia. He who was hospitalized at the time, despite emphasis by his physicians for surgery, was transferred to Rasht central prison by prison henchmen, a month ago. Abed Bakhoda had been shot by Revolutionary Guards in the spine while being arrested and was kept in Evin and Qezel-hessar prisons and tortured for years despite his condition. The extreme pressure imposed on him was due to his support for PMOI. He was rearrested in November 2009.
Physical condition of Hossein Ronaqi, a political prisoner in ward 350 of Evin prison, has become critical due to kidney infection. Instead of providing him with medical treatment, prison henchmen have ordered to have his kidney removed. In a similar case, gangs in prison took another political prisoner to the hospital under the pretext of offering him medical care; whereas, his kidney was removed without his knowledge.

The Iranian Resistance draws the international attention to the appalling conditions of ailing political prisoners and calls on all international human rights organizations; the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; relevant UN bodies, and medical associations to condemn the anti-human clerical regime for its heinous crimes and requests urgent and binding measures for the immediate release of ailing political prisoners. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 8, 2011