PMOI members passed away in Ashraf and Liberty

Hamdollah Rahmani had lived more than five years in the mullahs’ regime jails had suffered various tortures.

Batoul Rajaii was an agriculture engineer

Mr. Hamdollah Rahmani, 55, one of those very severely injured during July 2009 massacre, passed away on Saturday, 23 June 2012 during open heart surgery in a hospital in Baghdad after three years of tolerating pain, suffering and siege in Ashraf. In fact, he is considered as the 12th resident being killed due to July 2009 attack on Ashraf.

He was among the few patients who were taken to U.S. forces hospital in Balad after the attack and went under surgery by American physicians several times. He had been shot in his abdomen and left arm by Iraqi forces and physicians removed part of his intestine. He had also suffered heart attack.

Before he came to Ashraf in 1990, Hamdollah Rahmani had lived more than five years in the mullahs’ regime jails in Iran and had suffered various tortures.

Last week, Ms. Akram Abazari (Batoul Rajaii), 59, an agriculture engineer, who had been transferred from Ashraf to Camp Liberty, passed away in hospital. She suffered from cancer but her disease was under control. The reason for death was diagnosed to be pneumonia and breath cessation.

Undoubtedly, these types of deaths of Ashraf and Liberty residents are directly related to the inhumane siege by the Iraqi government and lack of access to timely and effective medical treatment for four years.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 24, 2012

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