Thugs Affiliated With Deposed Shah’s Son Attack Supporters of Iranian Resistance in Brussels’ Demonstrations

Hassan Habibi min
Hassan Habibi min

On Monday, February 20, around 13:00, hired thugs affiliated with the son of the deposed Shah attacked a number of MEK and the Iranian Resistance supporters who carried placards or chanted slogans against the Shah and the mullahs in a demonstration outside the European Union Headquarters in Schuman Square in Brussels.

Mr. Hassan Habibi, a supporter of the MEK and a long-time supporter of the Iranian Resistance, was attacked because of his hand-held placard reading “No to mullah, No to Shah, No to Crown, No to Turban.” He was taken to the hospital unconscious.

Mr. Habibi was singled out from the crowd of demonstrators by plainclothes agents and taken near the stage. He was forcefully pushed to the ground and struck unconscious on the lower part of his skull with a heavy metal object.

The hospital report indicates a blow to the lower bone of the skull and unconsciousness as a result of a brain shock. This is the kind of actions committed by thugs supporting the Shah’s son and former Savak (Shah’s notorious secret police) chief Parviz Sabeti outside the European Union Headquarters against people calling for the terrorist designation of the IRGC. This is the common denominator of the IRGC and SAVAK regarding freedom of expression and chanting slogans against the mullahs and the Shah.

Hasan Habibi’s situation was shared with the Belgian police along with the film of him being singled out, taken near the stage, and beaten, together with the hospital report. His complaint is being processed.

Ms. Mahnaz Arab, a supporter of the MEK and a relative of martyr Mohsen Arab, was also beaten by thugs and taken to the hospital for chanting “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei).”

Recently, 175 members of the MEK declared their readiness to testify about the tortures of Shah’s SAVAK and the role of Parviz Sabeti in three consecutive statements. This has greatly angered the remnants of the Shah and his secret police SAVAK and their accomplices.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the Belgian police and authorities to conduct thorough investigations into this incident.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

February 20, 2023

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