Thousands of Iranians demonstrate against Ahmadinejad in New York

Demonstrators express support to people’s uprising in Iran and defend Ashraf residents

NCRI – Thousands of Iranians staged a protest outside the United Nations in New York on Wednesday, as Ahamdinejad, the Iranian regime’s president, was about to speak in the 64th session of the body’s General Assembly.  The participants declared their support for recent uprisings in Iran and the residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

The protesters who travelled from across U.S. to gather outside the U.N. Headquarters called for change of regime in Iran. They said that the revelations of brutal torture, rapes and killings of anti-government protesters in Iran demonstrate the regime’s illegitimacy, thus the presence of its representatives in the international bodies including the UN General Assembly has no legitimacy.

 Demonstrators express support to people’s uprising in Iran and defend Ashraf residents

NCRI – Thousands of Iranians staged a protest outside the United Nations in New York on Wednesday, as Ahamdinejad, the Iranian regime’s president, was about to speak in the 64th session of the body’s General Assembly.  The participants declared their support for recent uprisings in Iran and the residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

The protesters who travelled from across U.S. to gather outside the U.N. Headquarters called for change of regime in Iran. They said that the revelations of brutal torture, rapes and killings of anti-government protesters in Iran demonstrate the regime’s illegitimacy, thus the presence of its representatives in the international bodies including the UN General Assembly has no legitimacy.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, told the participants through a video message that it was necessary to remind all those who know nothing other than the policy of appeasement toward the mullahs that such a policy is completely outdated. It has been for over three months that a widespread and persistent uprising going on in Iran that wants the overthrow of the clerical regime and establishment of democracy and freedom, she stressed.  

She added: The policy of ‘direct negotiations without precondition’ that intended to miraculously end nuclear tensions has failed. Once again I reiterate that control of this regime’s nuclear threat has one and only one solution and that is a democratic change in Iran.  The Iranian people through their uprising and resistance will eventually determine the fate of this regime. But the backward policy of appeasement is politically a big failure and ethically wrong and will bring disgrace upon you.

Demonstrators called on international community to put pressure on the clerical regime to accept free elections under the supervision of the United Nations on the basis of the people’s sovereignty rather than the mullahs’. They said: It is now time to refer the clerical regime’s dossier of crimes, in general, and Ahmadinejad’s dossier, in particular, to the UN Security Council and a UN fact finding mission to be appointed to investigate mullahs’ crimes, particularly torture and rape of those participated in recent uprisings across the country. They also called for trial of the regime’s leaders in international courts for their atrocities against participants in uprisings.

The Iranians emphasized that the U.S. must guarantee the rights of the Ashraf residents in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law in order to prevent violence against them and their forcible displacement. They also called on the U.S. to take immediate measures to secure the release of the 36 residents abducted by the Iraqi agents of the Iranian regime and to listen to the demands of protesters and hunger strikers in front of the White House.

They called on the UN to make necessary arrangements for deployment of a UN supervised monitoring team in Ashraf and to announce officially that Ashraf residents must enjoy the fundamental rights and protections enshrined in the Fourth Geneva Convention and prevent recurrence of a human tragedy.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 23, 2009

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