The visit of the mullahs’ regime Deputy Minister of Interior for security to Iraq

Acknowledgment that suppression and rendering Ashraf residents homeless was the dictated policy of the Iranian regime

In continuation of the Iranian regime leaders’ trips to Iraq, head torturer Ali Abdollahi, the mullahs’ Deputy Minister of Interior for security traveled to Baghdad and talked to Iraqi government officials about the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran and Ashraf and Liberty residents, and appreciated the government’s efforts in closing down Ashraf and expelling Mojahedin members from Iraq.

According to state media, Abdollahi met with Faleh Fayyaz, Iraqi National Security Adviser and discussed ways to promote the exchange of information and expand relations between the two countries’ security forces,  and by citing “the crimes of the MEK”, he appreciated the Iraqi government’s efforts to fully expel this terrorist grouplet from Iraqi soil” (Ministry of Interior website).
This is a clear acknowledgment of the fact that the suppressive measures against Ashraf and Liberty residents and forcible displacement of them are completely dictated by the mullahs’ regime policies.
Earlier in recent weeks revolutionary guard Ahmad Vahidi, the Defense Minister of the regime and Qasem Soleimani, leader of the terrorist Quds Force, traveled to Iraq, and the regime’s President and Iran’s Revolutionary Guards commander are supposed to visit Iraq shortly.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 25 2012

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