The head of Revolutionary Guards admits to presence of Qods Forces in Syria and LebanonThe world needs to confront the menace of religious fascists and warmongers who rule Iran

Dispatch of Pasdar Hamadani, head of the Tehran Revolutionary Guards branch
on orders from Khamenei, to Syria to assist in suppression of the opposition

The stark admission by the head of the Revolutionary Guards on Monday September 17, to the presence and active participation of the Qods Force in Syria and Lebanon, is a harbinger of the spread of instability and warmongering in the whole of the Middle East.

This should give further impetus to an immediate international response to this crisis.
Pasdar Mohammad Ali Jafari, the notorious head of the IRGC shocking admitted that ” since its formation, the Qods Force has had a presence in and a role to play in Syria and Lebanon.” However, “In contrast to military and financial support by Arab countries for the “terrorist groups” in Syria, we have not been in an active role in these locations. We only provided an advisory and training role to Syrian forces.” “It is a source of pride for the Islamic Republic to offer its range of experience and advice to the defense of Syria, a crucial link in the “ring of resistance”.
This murderous pasdar further provided clues to the role played by the Lebanese Hezbollah. He said that “the Hezbollah is an independent resistance group. In the past, the Syrian forces have come to the defense of the people of Lebanon and it is only natural that the people of Lebanon return favor and help the Syrian people. Jafari’s remark was strongly countered by the Lebanon president, indicating that the presence of the Qods Force in Labanon is not by mutual agreement and is tantamount to an oppupying force in Lebanon.
Pasdar Hamadani was dispatched in early 2012 to head a ground operational unit of the Qods Force in Syria. He is in close contact with the head of the Qods Force, pasdar Soleimani, and travels to Tehran every three weeks to coordinate operational aspects. Pasdar Hamdani, as the head of the Tehran IRCG, was closely instrumental in the brutal crackdown of the protestors in summer of 2009.
The Iranian Resistance has revealed, on numerous occasions, details on revolutionary guards involvement and interference in Syria and Lebanon. The resistance has provided operational details on force movement and deployment, for instance dispatches from Iraqi cities such as Najaf and from Beirut, and the Qods Force methods.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 18, 2012

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