Tehran-Bazaar Merchants Demonstrate; Chant Anti-Government Slogans Oppressive Forces Use Teargas to Disperse Demonstrators

Protesters: »Ahmadinejad Shame, Let go of Syria, Think of something for us«

Bazaar Protests – 2
At 1400 today, angry protesters gathering at Ferdowsi Square of Tehran shouted, “Mahmoud (Ahmadinejad) shame on you, let go of Syrian and think about us.”  Protesters also shouted, “Don’t be afraid, we are all together” or also, “Ahmadinejad, be aware we are people not hoodlums.” 
The sound of gunshot fire and smoke from teargas is filling the air in the central Tehran area and clashed between the people and oppressive forces continue.

Between the hours of 9a.m. and 12 people also gathered in front of the Central Bank, also at Vanak Square, and Vali-Asr at Mirdamad junction to protest the current economic crisis.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran 
October 3, 2012


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