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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceSave the life of political prisoner Mohsen Dokmechi

Save the life of political prisoner Mohsen Dokmechi

NCRI – Political prisoner Mr. Mohsen Dokmechi, 50, who is suffering from Pancreatic Cancer, is in critical condition due to lack of essential medical care. Symptoms of the illness became apparent months ago, yet the mullahs’ henchmen refrained from giving him any medical attention. Now, due to the progress of his cancer, he is suffering from severe pains and has lost a lot of weight. He was transferred to Taleqani Hospital last week.


The henchmen cuffed his hands and legs to his bed, even though he had no strength to move. He underwent a five hour surgery in the Modares Hospital on Thursday, December 30, and is now being guarded by three revolutionary guards in the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. According to doctors’ recommendations, he must undergo chemotherapy immediately and be transferred to a specialist hospital for treatment. However, the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) is obstructing the transfer, even prohibiting his family from visiting him.

Mohsen Dokmechi was among the political prisoners of the 1980s who endured years of confinement and torture for supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). Being among the well-known merchants of Tehran, he was arrested in September 2009 for his daughter’s stay in Ashraf and financially aiding families of political prisoners. Following his detention he was immediately transferred to  notorious Ward 209 of Tehran’s Evin Prison. During this period he was subjected to various pressures and tortures. His state severely deteriorated in the absence of adequate hygienic and medical attention.

Many other political prisoners, including Messrs. Mashallah (Hamid) Ha’eri suffering from acute heart disease, Jafar Kazemi, suffering from sciatic, and Mr. Mohammad Oliyaie-Fard, suffering from cancer are among the other prisoners who are deprived of the minimum medical attention and are in critical conditions.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations, physicians’ unions and all related entities to condemn the appalling condition of political prisoners, especially prisoners suffering from ailments, and calls for assignment of an international delegation to investigate  the conditions of prisons and political prisoners in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 31, 2010