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Political prisoner Zahra Jabbari in coma,facing death due to lack of medical care

NCRI – Ms. Zahra Jabari, 39, is a political prisoner held in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison. Suffering from acute heart disease, she went into a coma on Monday, March 21st, 2011 since the clerical regime’s prison officials refrained to provide her medical care. She is on the verge of death after a long delay before finally being transferred to a hospital that is under the Iranian regime’s control.

Mother of a four year old child, she was arrested on 17 September 2009 and placed under the most severe pressures and tortures for the sole reason of her sister and two brothers living in Camp Ashraf in northern Iraq.
In her sham court trial, Zahra Jabbari protested against these brutal acts of torture including her toe nail being extracted. This brave act of hers more than ever raised the anger of the prison officials. Jabbari is suffering from acute heart disease and Rheumatism, and the torturers have refused to provide any kind of medical care in an attempt to force her to succumb. Therefore, her physical conditions are deteriorating day by day and she has lost her ability to walk months ago.
Meanwhile, the physical condition of political prisoner Mohsen Dokmechi, 50, who is suffering from pancreatic cancer, is critically dire. Despite enduring severe pain and the emphasis of the physicians for his need of chemotherapy and special medical supervision, he is facing death in Ward 4 of Karaj’s Gohardasht Prison. He was previously imprisoned during the 1980s, and is a prominent merchant in Tehran. In August 2009, he was detained for the charge of aiding unattended families of political prisoners and for the presence of his daughter in Ashraf, and was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and exile.
The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and other relevant UN organs and physicians’ unions to condemn the anti-human regime for its atrocious crimes, and urges the UN Secretary General to assign a delegation to investigate on prisons in Iran and the conditions of political prisoners, especially ill prisoners, and adopt an urgent action for their release.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 27, 2011