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Political prisoner Ali Moezzi sent to solitary cell for refusing to participate in the show trial

The inhuman mullahs’ regime has sent political prisoner Ali Moezzi for refusing to take part in show trial presided by hangman Salavati to solitary cells of section 240 of Evin prison and banned him from having visits. He has also been threatened to be exiled in remote cities.

Mr. Moezzi, 63, refused to participate in the show trial on October 9 for the third time. He wrote last August to the court:  “Because in recent years a number of my fellow countrymen innocently have been executed by the unjust order of revolutionary courts, I consider these ordered trials with predetermined judgments illegitimate since the judges and people engaged in these proceedings are themselves the accused.”

Ali Moezzi is one of the political prisoner of the 80s. In November 2009, he was arrested just for visiting his two children in Ashraf and sentenced to two years in prison. In June 2011, after a surgery, he was rearrested on the charge of participating in the funeral of Mohsen Dokmehchi, a PMOI member who was tortured to death by refusing him medical treatment. Ali Moezzi suffers from cancer, kidney disease, and severe arthritis but he is refused any medical treatment.

The Iranian resistance calls on all international bodies and human rights organizations, specially the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Special Rapporteurs on arbitrary arrests and torture to immediately investigate the situation of political prisoners in Iran specially Mr. Ali Moezzi.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 17, 2012