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Paris International Conference: Democratic change in Iran by Iranian people guarantees democracy, freedom in the region

NCRI – In an international conference in Paris on February 26, top US officials from Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations and senior European political figures emphasized that democratic change in Iran by the Iranian people guarantees the trend towards democracy and freedom that has engulfed the Middle East, North Africa and the Islamic World.


Parliamentary delegations from Italy and Austria announced declarations by majorities in those parliaments in support of the Iranian people and the residents of Ashraf.

Parliamentary as well as human and women’s rights delegations from France , Spain ,Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Algeria , Jordan, Morocco, Afghanistan, , Romania, Canada and Australia also took part in the conference.
The parliamentary delegation from San Marino announced the decision voted on February 24 by its Parliament officially recognizing the National Council of Resistance of Iran.
The participants expressed support for the uprisings in Iran which erupted in Tehran and other major cities in February, challenging the regime in its entirety. They stressed that the world community in general and the West in particular must stand with the Iranian people and their demands for regime change.

In warning of the regime’s efforts to export Islamic fundamentalism to the countries in the region, speakers reiterated that the seismic and unprecedented changes in Islamic countries had heightened the need to adopt a correct policy vis-à-vis the Iranian regime and to prevent its interference in those countries.

James Jones, President Obama’s National Security Advisor (2009-2010), Bill Richardson (Energy Secretary and UN ambassador in the Clinton administration and Obama’s Special Envoy to North Korea), Tom Ridge (first US Homeland Security Secretary), Howard Dean (Chairman of the Democratic Party 2005-2009), Mary Robinson, (UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 1997-2002 and President of Ireland,1990-1997), Irene Khan (Secretary General of Amnesty International (2001-2010),where among people of conference.
“The path to a peaceful and democratic Middle East, where women and youth could play their rightful role, inevitably passes through regime change in Iran. Without this change, democracy and stability would be impossible in this region. In the current circumstance, regime change in Iran is a hundred times more necessary. Otherwise, developments in the region will be diverted. The solution for the Iranian crisis is neither appeasement nor war. Our option is one which would benefit the entire region: democratic change by the Iranian people and Resistance,” Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, said in part of her speech.

The speakers voiced support for the rights of the residents of Camp Ashraf, Iraq, home to 3,400 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and underscored the need to guarantee their rights by the US Government as well as the need to provide protection for a permanent United Nations mission at Camp Ashraf.

The participants urged the US Government to remove Iran’s main opposition, the PMOI, from the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations. Speakers stressed that the rapid and unprecedented developments in recent weeks has given urgency to the revocation.

Delegations from Islamic countries emphasized the solidarity among uprisings in countries in the region and Iran and said that democracy and the victory of uprising in Iran is essential for democracy in other Islamic and Arab countries.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 26, 2011