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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceParis int’l Conf. calls to save seven Camp Ashraf hostages, protect Iranian...

Paris int’l Conf. calls to save seven Camp Ashraf hostages, protect Iranian dissidents in Iraq

Participants’ call on international community to save Ashraf hostages and protect Camp Liberty

Maryam Rajavi addressing international community: 

  • As long as you keep silent on the executions, the massacre in Ashraf, and atrocities of mullahs in Syria, mullahs shall not abandon their nuclear program.
  • Through cutting off economic aid and weapons ties to Iraq, U.S., Europe and UN should compel Maliki to release the hostages and fulfill requirements for provision of security at Camp Liberty 
  • Responsibility for the lives of hostages and hunger strikers in Camp Liberty and various countries rests with the United States, the European Union and United Nations who have assumed inaction and silence

NCRI – On Saturday, October 19, an international conference was held in Paris at presence of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, and a large number of American, French and European dignitaries titled “Iran – Human Right and Nuclear threat; Protection for Camp Liberty Residents”.

In the conference, dozens of French dignitaries and personalities in a joint statement called on the French government and the international community to adopt urgent measures to immediately free seven Ashraf residents taken hostage that include six women. This conference was held on the 50th day of the mass execution of 52 members of PMOI who resided in Camp Ashraf and abduction of seven more. They were all ‘Protected Persons’ by the Geneva Conventions and asylum-seekers who enjoyed international protection.
Signatories to the statement that include Bernard Kouchner, André Glucksmann, and Robert Badinter also called on the French government to lead the way for an immediate initiative to provide security to Camp Liberty residents, to call for an impartial international investigative board to probe the September 1 massacre, and to call for permanent presence of UN observers and Blue Helmets in Camp Liberty. They underscored the fact that silence and inaction in face of these atrocities is an invitation for further massacres.

Referring to the background President-elect of the Iranian Resistance Mrs. Maryam Rajavi said: “It was a series of betrayed U.S. and UN commitments that paved the way for the September 1 massacre; an attitude that continues to this day.” Referring to the planned trip of Maliki to United States, she asked why U.S. is not demanding the immediate release of the hostages from Maliki? Why is it willing to welcome a murderer and a criminal to the White House? She added: “Responsibility for the lives of the hostages and hunger strikers at Camp Liberty and five cities around the world, and absolute responsibility for the humanitarian and political consequences rests with the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations who contrary to their lawful obligations have resorted to silence and inaction.

She called on U.S., Europe and UN to cut off economic aid and weapons ties to Iraq until the Iraqi government frees the hostages and fulfills the requirements for the provision of security at Camp Liberty. Rajavi stipulated: “All residents of Liberty are considered asylum-seekers. As a result, U.S. and Europe can quickly accept all of them and as a first step those who are sick or injured; something that they have not done so far which has resulted in the death of 15 residents.”

In other part of her speech Mrs. Rajavi addressed the international community saying: “As long as you keep silent on the violation of human rights in Iran; as long as you keep silent in face of massacre of Ashraf residents and atrocities of mullahs in Syria; mullahs shall not abandon their nuclear program. Mullahs are seeking an urgent breathing duct to advance their nuclear weapons project in secret. The Iranian people do not want this nuclear program, which has cost the Iranian economy at least one hundred billion dollars. This unpatriotic program must come to a halt today.”

Rajavi warned: “Any agreement which does not include the stopping of centrifuges, complete closure of all nuclear sites, and does not demand the signing of the Additional Protocol by the mullahs will have the opposite result.”
In addition to Mrs. Rajavi, following dignitaries offered speeches to the conference:

Michèle Alliot-Marie, Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Interior, and Minister of Justice (2002-2011);
Edward Rendell, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee (1999-2001) and Governor of Pennsylvania (2002-2011)
Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Prime Minister of Algeria, Michael Mukasey, Attorney General of the United States (2007-2009);
Linda Chavez, former White House Director of Public Liaison; Michael Steele, Chairman of the Republican National Committee (2009-2011);
Irwin Cotler, Canada’s Minister of Justice and Attorney General (2003-2006);
Marc Ginsberg, former US ambassador to Morocco;
Romeo Nnicoara and Maria Grecea, Ovidiu Ioan Dumitru، Romanian legislatures;
Stanislav Polcak, parliamentarian from Czech Republic;
Jean -Pierre Brard, former member of the French National Assembly
Jacques Gaillot, French Bishop.

Speakers called on the international community, especially United States and United Nations, to use all their resources to compel government of Iraq to free Ashraf hostages and provide protective provisions to Camp Liberty and also make possible settlement of residents in third countries. They emphasized that the international community should not once again be deceived by bloodthirsty mullahs ruling Iran and that change in Iran has no meaning without cessation of executions and suppression, freedom of political prisoners, non-interference in the region, in particular in Syria and Iraq, and a complete halt to enrichment.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 19, 2013