Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Late Danielle Mitterrand commemorated at Auvers-sur-Oise

Maryam Rajavi: Iranian Resistance deeply mournful along with French people NCRI - On Thursday, November 24, a memorial ceremony to offer respects to...

Mrs. Rajavi: The new IAEA report shows the clerical regime is the most significant...

NCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance President-elect, speaking on the new IAEA report that confirms the military nature of the clerical regime's...

Iranian regime considers acquiring nuclear weapons an imperative to prevent its overthrow

NCRI - As the new IAEA report is about to be released, the Iranian Resistance emphasized this reality that there should be no doubt...

In fear of looming parliamentary election fiasco and popular uprisings, clerical regime misrepresents PMOI...

Camp Ashraf military occupation– No. 153 NCRI - On Sunday, October 23, in an idiotic attempt to place the blame elsewhere, the clerical regime...

Iranian Resistance welcomes new EU sanctions on Iranian regime

Call for comprehensive sanctions including oil sanctions against the regimeNCRI - The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) welcomes EU sanctions against 29...

Lies of Chalabi, a well-known element of clerical regime, target Ashraf residents

NCRI - Kayhan daily, affiliated with Iranian regime's Supreme Leader; the Qods news agency, affiliated with the Iranian regime's revolutionary guards (IRGC); Habilian Website,...
Maryam Rajavi

Mrs. Rajavi condemns vain efforts of Khamenei in hindering Palestinian statehood plan

NCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance described the demagogic theatrics of the Iranian regime in gathering a number of its...

International Conference in Geneva: Urgent Call to UN Secretary General and High Commission for...

Following Recognition of Rights of Ashraf Residents as “Asylum Seekers” by UNHCR, UN Observers should be Stationed in Ashraf until Resettlement is Finalized...

Export of terrorism under “Islamic Awakening” banner

Khamenei: The objective of region's uprisings is religious rule of people based on Islamic Sharia and formation of a Unified Islamic Ummah NCRI - On...

PMOI(MEK) Annual Congress elects Zohreh Akhyani as new Secretary General

NCRI - In its annual Congress in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, simultaneous with the 47th anniversary of its founding on September 6, 1965, the People's...