Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Iranian regime’s euphoria about the insulting of the Prophet of Islam and the...

• Creation of special offices under the supervision of Khamenei to steer the crisis and create opportunities for Assad to regain control over the situation...

The head of Revolutionary Guards admits to presence of Qods Forces in Syria and...

Dispatch of Pasdar Hamadani, head of the Tehran Revolutionary Guards branchon orders from Khamenei, to Syria to assist in suppression of the opposition The...

Iranian Resistance strongly condemns death sentence of Dr. Hashemi the Vice President of Iraq...

• UN Security Council, Secretary General and his Special Representative in Iraq should intervene immediately to maintain peace and security in Iraq, and guarantee safety...

Mrs. Rajavi welcomed the closure of Canadian Embassy in Tehran and expulsion of Iranian...

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance welcomed the courageous act of Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird in closing the Canadian...

Iran: Holding the Non-Aligned Summit under unprecedented crackdown

Complete State of Alert for the repressive forces, Tehran and Suburbs closed for five days,removal of portraits of Khamenii In its propaganda attempts, the...

Deliberate acts by Iraqi government to obstruct and disrupt sixth convoy from Ashraf to...

In a sign of goodwill gesture by the residents of Ashraf, the sixth convoy of 400 residents has been ready to move to Liberty...

Intensifying psychological warfare against Ashraf residents On the order of Iraqi Prime...

On the order of Iraqi Prime Ministry Committee charged with suppression of Ashraf residents and in line with orders from religious fascism ruling Iran,...

Iraq breaches agreement with UNAMI 0n disabled’s trailers

• Iraq prevents the transfer of inspected trailers for disabledand in breach of agreement with UNAMI, enters them and moves around their stuff From August...

Maryam Rajavi appeals to public to help survivors of the earthquake in northwestern Iran

High number of casualties and collateral damages caused by plunder of country’s wealth by mullahs’ regime and spending them on suppression, military and nuclear...

Increasing pressure on families and supporters of the Mojahedin (MEK) in the mullahs’ regime...

Political prisoner Manouchehr Meymanat, 46 year old engineer, who was arrested in 2010, simply because of communicating with her sister, one of the members...