Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iranian regime’s remarks reveals fear of PMOI (MEK), plots for more massacre

The Iranian Resistance Calls for deployment of Blue Helmets in Camp Liberty and securing minimum protections NCRI - In a series of recent remarks,...

Iranian opposition satellite TV channel (INTV) ends 4-day telethon with significant success

Thousands of Iranians from Iran and 34 countries raised $4.55 million Widespread support for Iranian Resistance, Ashraf and Liberty residents represents general will for...

Gathering in support of Iranian Resistance attended by over 600 dignitaries from 47 countries

Gathering in Villepinte, near Paris, declared: Regime elections a sham, the new president illegitimate, the only option is to overthrow the regime and support...


“What the world witnessed in Iran today was not a true election. It was a sham and a show, and no amount of propaganda...

A rebuttal to the Los Angeles Times article on ‘Iranian exiles’

Targeting the victim instead of the henchman and setting the stage for a fourth massacreU.S. obligations for safety and security of the residents of...

Iran: Widespread arrests of sympathizers and institutions connected to PMOI (MEK)

Efforts to prevent massive social uprising during sham election are in vain Widespread arrests of sympathizers and institutions connected to PMOI (MEK) and family...

Iranian Resistance supporters join Workers Day protests

NCRI - On Wednesday, May 1, supporters of the Iranian Resistance joined Workers’ Day demonstrations in various countries in the world and supported the...

Khamenei and Ahmadinejad’s public war of words on brink of sham elections

Khamenei said of Ahmadinejad: 'Stop fueling anxiety among the population' NCRI - In a thinly-veiled reference to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian regime's Supreme Leader Ali...

Thousands of Iranians rally in Paris: A call for immediate action to protect dissidents...

Iranians warn against next massacre at Camp LibertyCall for immediate transfer of residents to Ashraf and assuming responsibility for Ashraf and Liberty by...

Iranian Resistance calls on UNHRC to refer mullahs dossier to UN Security Council

NCRI - The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on Friday extending the mandate of Mr. Ahmad Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on the...