Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Iranian Regime Embassy’s Press Release, a Fearful Reaction To the International Consequences of...

Following the recent revelations about the clerical regime's terrorist plot against the Iranian Resistance in Paris in June 2018, and Assadollah Assadi, the regime's...

Iran: Activities of the Resistance Units Tohonorthe Iranian Music Icon, Shajarian

Call to commemorate the anniversary of the November 1998 protests The Resistance Units and supporters of MEK wrote graffiti and posted leaflets and placards in...

Threats by Iran Regime’s Imprisoned Diplomat in Belgium Meant To Obstruct the Judicial Process

The clerical regime, terrified by the revelation of its full record of terrorism and crimes, is desperately trying to prevent justice from being served...

Torture and Humiliation of Young People in the Streets of Tehran and Medieval Sentences...

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: This regime must be expelled from the United Nations, and its leaders brought to justice for their continuing crimes against humanity...

Iran: Resistance Units and Supporters of the MEK Call for an Uprising for Freedom

“Maryam Rajavi: Freedom and victory is within reach” “Down with the dictator, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei)” In a series of activities across...
Tribute to victims of Iran's 1988 massacre

While the Campaign for Justice Over Iran’s 1988 Massacre Goes on, Any Attack on...

Three decades after the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran, which took place on the orders of Khomeini, Amnesty International has addressed these...
MEK, resistance units

Activities of Resistance Units and MEK Supporters – Call To Protest for Freedom

“The Uprising continues" from September 27, 1981, to September 26, 2020 - Long live freedom” “Overthrowing the clerical regime with Resistance Units” Last week, on the anniversary...
Iran, IRGC, Iran Protests, MEK, NCRI, Rajavi, Afkari

Protests Against the Execution of Navid Afkari Continue

During the past week, Resistance Units and supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK / PMOI) continued to protest the execution of Navid Afkari, and...

Iran: Defiant Youths Target Centers of Repression and Plunder of the Mullahs To Protest...

Defiant youth targeted centers of repression and plunder, also centers for spreading terrorism and extremism to voice outrage at the execution of the Iranian...

Iran: Resistance Units and Supporters of the MEK Protest Against the Execution of Navid...

The criminal execution of Navid Afkari, the national wrestling champion, sparked public outrage and disgust. In recent days, by writing slogans and installing banners...