Thursday, July 18, 2024

Prisoner of Conscience Saeid Sangar Re-Sentenced After 20 Years in Prison, Tortured for Supporting...

Call for immediate action by UN, EU and human rights advocates to secure his release Saeid Sangar, 47, from Piranshahr, one of Iran's longest-incarcerated political activists...

Iran: 50-Hour Free Iran Telethon, by the Opposition Satellite TV, Iran-NTV

Taking security risks, and despite the COVID-19 conditions, brave youth from all over Iran, joined the Telethon, while expressing support for the MEK and...
Gorgan - Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters, - posting banners with pictures of the Iranian Resistance Leadership in various parts of the city – January 19, 2021

Iran: Large Image of the Iranian Resistance’s Leader Hung From Saveh Highway Overpass

Activities of Mojahedin supporters and Resistance Units in the past week Last week, supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) and Resistance Units posted banners and messages...
Tehran – Torching Qassem Soleimani’s banner, the eliminated commander of the terrorist Quds Force -

Iran: Targeting Three Repressive Centers in Khorasan in Response To the Execution of Three...

In the early hours of Friday, January 15, 2021, defiant youths targeted three repressive IRGC Basij bases in Khorasan Province in cities of Mashhad,...

Iran: Regime’s Intelligence Ministry Creates a Fake Twitter Account in the Name of NCRI’s...

  Twitter Promptly Shuts Down the Account Once again, in a despicable and ludicrous ploy, the clerical regime's cyber army tried to forge a Twitter account,...
Tehran - Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq - Destroying banners and images of the terminated commander of the terrorist Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani – January 5, 2021

Iran: Activities of Resistance Units and Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) Supporters – Destroying Qassem Soleimani’s...

Despite the clerical regime's security measures in the cities, supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) and Resistance Units posted banners and wrote slogans containing...
Mashhad – posting placards and writing graffities by supporters of the MEK, and Resistance Units: "Maryam Rajavi: Rise up to overthrow the clerical regime" – the final week of December 2020

Iran: Activities of the Resistance Units, MEK Supporters in the Final Week of December

"A call to rise to overthrow the clerical regime." During the final week of December, Resistance Units and supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) in...
Late December, Babol – Activities of MEK supporters: “Maryam Rajavi: Rise up to overthrow the ruling theocracy.”

Iran: Activities of Resistance Units and MEK Supporters in Late December

Uprising, indispensable to victory in war of destiny with the mullahs’ regime In late December, Resistance Units, and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran...
Isfahan – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of MEK – Massoud Rajavi: "Disbanding the Revolutionary Guards is indispensable to the victory of the Iranian people" – December 4 to December 7, 2020

Iran: MEK Supporters and Resistance Units Commemorate the Student Day

Pay Tribute To the Late Mohammad Maleki, the First Post-1979 Revolution Chancellor of Tehran University Last week, on Student Day in Iran, Resistance Units and Mujahedin-e...

Maryam Rajavi: UN Experts Report Doubles the Need To Refer the File on the...

Following the publication of a report by United Nations experts on the 1988 massacre of political prisoners as a "crime against humanity" and a...