Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: MEK Supporters and Resistance Units Continue Their Anti-repression Campaign on the Anniversary of...

Continuing their campaign to crack the wall of repression, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the Resistance Units posted banners...

Resounding Chants of “Down With Khamenei, Viva Rajavi,” in Shahriar, Tehran, by Resistance Units

Resounding chants of "Down with Khamenei, viva Rajavi" ;Raisi, henchman of the 1988 massacre,” “Neither crown, nor turban, the mullahs’ days are over,” on...

Iran: Activities of Resistance Units in Different Cities on Anti-monarchical Revolution Anniversary

“Khamenei, Shame on You, Let Go of the Country ” On the eve of the 43rd anniversary of the anti-monarchist revolution on February 11, 1979,...

Iran: Broadcast of Slogans “Death to Khamenei, Viva Rajavi,” “Iranians Are Vigilant and Hate...

Resistance Units in Various Cities Chanted “Death to Khamenei, Damned Be Khomeini, Viva Rajavi, No to Crown, nor Turban, the Mullahs’ Days Are Over” On...

Iran: 43 Campaigns Against Repression by Defiant Youths on the 43rd Anniversary of the...

Torching the Entrances of the Centers of Repression and Torture and Banners of Khamenei and Soleimani On the eve of the anniversary of the 1979...

IRAN: Mashhad Bazaar Scene of Audio Broadcast of Anti-regime, Pro-resistance Slogans, Songs

The public announcement system in a popular shopping center in the major northeastern shrine city of Mashhad was used by Resistance Units on Wednesday...

Iran: Activities of Resistance Units on the Eve of the Anniversary of 1979 Anti-monarchical...

On the eve of the anniversary of the 1979 anti-monarchy uprising, during which the clerical regime usurped the people's revolution and turned it into...
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Iran: The Retaliatory Chained Cyber-attacks on Mojahedin Website by MOIS and IRGC Thwarted

The Fourth Attack Thwarted 2.2m RPS Friday Noon The frenzied retaliatory cyber-attacks on the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) website by the IRGC and the clerical regime’s...

Iran: Irlu Regime’s Terrorist-diplomat in Yemen Was One of the Main Perpetrators of the...

In an interview with IRNA, the regime’s official news agency, daughter of Hassan Irlu, the commander of the terrorist Quds force in Yemen, admitted...

Iran: Resistance Units and MEK Supporters Mark Anniversary of Freedom of the Iranian Resistance...

“Massoud Rajavi: The MEK Has Only One Dream, the Overthrow of the Religious Dictatorship in Iran” In recent days, on the anniversary of the freedom...