Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: Regime’s Cyber-attacks and Conspiracies Targeting Members and Supporters of Iranian Resistance

On the verge of the annual rallies and demonstrations of the Iranian Resistance, the clerical regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), and its...

Iran: Torching Pictures of Khomeini, Khamenei, Raisi, and Qassem Soleimani in Various Cities

Torching Signs of Centers of Repression and Espionage on Khomeini’s Death Anniversary Simultaneous with the Khomeini’s death anniversary, the defiant youth torched pictures of Khomeini,...

Iran: Resistance Units Broadcast Anti-regime Slogans in Urmia and Abyek (Qazvin)

“Death to Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi,” “Iranians Are Vigilant. They Hate Both the Shah and the Mullahs” On the eve of Khomeini's death anniversary, the...

Iran – Resistance Units Broadcast Anti-regime Slogans in Shiraz

Chants of “Death to Khamenei, Viva Rajavi,” “No to the Shah, No to the Mullahs, Damned Be Both of Them” on Khomeini’s Death Anniversary On...

Resistance Units Target Ministry of Labor in Tehran and State Punishment Organization in Mashhad

Resistance Units Target Ministry of Labor in Tehran and State Punishment Organization in Mashhad A Response to the Brutal Suppression and Violations of the Basic...

Calls for Regime Change in Lalezar Street, Tehran

Iran: Broadcasting Calls for Regime Change and Chants of “No to the Shah, No to the Mullahs, Damned Be Both of Them” in Tehran In...

Iran- Abadan Solidarity protests in Shahr-e Rey with the slogans “Death to Khamenei, Hail...

Iran- Abadan Solidarity Protests in Shahr-e Rey With the Slogans “Death to Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi, Iranians Are Vigilant; Hate the Shah and the...

Bagheri Kani’s Presence in Oslo Encourages Iran Regime’s Terrorism, Malign Activities

Scheduled Meeting With Norway’s FM by Iran Regime’s Deputy FM Encourages Human Rights Abuses, Export Terrorism, Warmongering, Quest To Acquire Nuclear Weapons The Representative of...

Iranian Agents Attack Peaceful Protestors, This Time in Brussels

Clerical Regime Agents Attack MEK Supporters’ Rally Brussels in Support of Abadan Uprising In a desperate reaction to the solidarity protests in various cities of...

Resistance Units’ Activities in Three Major Cities

Iran: Isfahan: Resistance Units Project MEK’s Emblem Marking the Anniversary of MEK Founders’ Execution in May 1972 Shiraz and Lahijan: Resistance Units Broadcast Anti-regime Slogans The activities...