Mullahs’ regime’s infightings escalate

Regime Supreme Leader’s extreme weakness; Ahmadinejad confrontation with Khamenei; acknowledgement to deep economic crisis

In a blatant confrontation, Ahmadinejad, the mullahs’ regime’s president, responded to intimidations of regime’s supreme leader Khamenei on Thursday, November 1.

In his letter to Khamenei, Ahmadinejad asked him to recognize “sublime position of the people- elected president as the highest official position in the country after Supreme Leader and as the executor of Constitution.”
Referring to Ahmadinejad’s request for visiting Evin prison, Khamenei said on October 31, “Differences in viewpoints should not be taken to the public and should not turn into an excuse for tumult and hubbub by the foreign media and enemies… it would be betrayal to the country to instigate people’s feelings in a bid to create disputes… from today till the election day, whoever seeks to make the differences public and uses people’s feelings to create disputes has definitely betrayed the country.”
In an unprecedented insolence in his letter to Khamenei, Ahmadinejad responded to these threats. In part of his letter which was censored by state television, Ahmadinejad wrote: “I am certain that your eminence insist on resolute guarding of the Constitution, especially the fundamental rights of the people and also safeguarding sublime position of the people-elected president who is the highest official position in the country after Supreme Leader and is the executor of Constitution, and that you oppose any measure that would undermine his important mandates and responsibilities.”
Commending the government’s conducts, Ahmadinejad wrote, “While welcoming this timely admonition, the government will do its best to serve humbly and to insist on Revolution’s principles and values and to safeguard the people’s fundamental rights.”
Nevertheless, while acknowledging to all out economic crisis and the regime being in an uphill battle, he asked Khamenei to have the rest of state strata at the service of government. He said, “In order to manage affairs and to confront widespread conspiracies of the malicious, and to reduce pressures on the people and to advance the country’s affairs, I and my colleagues in the government have employed all our power day and night; however, due to the dimension of problem and its importance, it requires all the branches’ presence and their undertaking responsibility, cooperation and  companionship with the government that is today at the frontline of this all out economic battle.”
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 2, 2012 

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