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Mullahs’ regime’s confidential documents indicating plans for stealing Ashraf residents’ property by Government of Iraq

Documents received by Iranian Resistance from inside of IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) bespeak of plans for confiscating and stealing further parts of Ashraf residents’ property upon mullahs’ regime’s instructions.
According to these documents that are presentable to court, those part of residents’ belongings that have been confiscated unlawfully by Iraqi forces will not be returned to the residents and will be arrogated by the Iraqi side for good.

These items include a stolen forklift truck, maintenance tools, welding instruments, clothes or other items with Ashraf or PMOI emblem on them, and also items that are kept in two containers and belonged to 4th and 5th group of residents who moved to Liberty. All these items have been confiscated illegally. The items in the two containers including electronic devices, printers, copy machines, etc. are worth more than $120,000 and were seized by Iraqi forces during April and May.
Also, a forklift truck that was used for carrying and loading the 7th group’s belongings has been confiscated by Iraqi forces and has not been returned to the residents’ yet.
Further, Iraqi forces have been stealing more residents’ belongings during recent days from the ‘Mo’in’ compound, northern part of Ashraf , where was occupied by Iraqi forces during the attack and massacre of April 2011.
Iranian Resistance urges the UN and the United States to compel the Government of Iraq to stop stealing residents’ property that is a blatant violation of Geneva conventions, refugee law and many international covenants, and is dictated by the religious fascism ruling Iran, and to respect the rights of Ashraf  and Liberty residents including their right to own their property.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 23, 2012