Mrs. Rajavi: The new IAEA report shows the clerical regime is the most significant threat to the world peace and security, and that its containment can only be achieved though a regime change

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance President-elect, speaking on the new IAEA report that confirms the military nature of the clerical regime’s nuclear activities, said: “Although this report does not cover all aspects of the Iranian regime’s nuclear projects and does not include all of the information that the agency had access to, it nevertheless leaves no doubt that the Iranian regime nuclear projects have been launched with the aim of obtaining nuclear bomb.”

 “It is delightful that the agency did not give in to pressure from some member states that wanted to continue to cover up the clerical regime’s nuclear projects, and exposed part of the military aspects of the regime’s nuclear drive. But the bulk of the information contained in the agency’s report, had been exposed by the Iranian resistance since many years ago and made available to the IAEA who could have been published years ago”, she added.

The IAEA report in fact confirms all of the Iranian resistance disclosures including the command structure for obtaining nuclear weapons, development of detonator, strong explosion, neutron spring, and work on the nuclear warheads. Disclosures that were faced with silence and appeasement. Despite exposing the Natanz and Arak sites, as well as 80 other nuclear projects by the Iranian resistance, the western powers tried to dissuade this regime from its efforts to obtain nuclear weapons by offering massive incentives and by appeasement. They went so far ahead as to accept in 2004 to keep People’s Mojahedin (PMOI/MEK) in the European Union terrorism list in exchange of a fictitious cooperation of the regime in the nuclear front. But the mullahs used this weak and destructive policy as a springboard to advance their nuclear weapons projects, and contrary to the intelligence agencies’ reports, they never stopped it.
Mrs. Rajavi stressed: “The new IAEA report is an international acknowledgment of the fact that this regime is the most significant threat to the world peace and security. But containing the regime’s nuclear danger, as well as containing its libertine terrorism danger, is solely possible by a regime change by the Iranian people and the Iranian resistance. The past 9 years’ experience showed that silence in the face of flagrant human rights violations and complicity in the suppression of the Iranian people by terrorist label against the Resistance, has had no success in containing the regime’s nuclear danger and has emboldened it in advancing its nuclear projects.

She added: “As the Iranian resistance has declared from the outset, the nuclear program of this inhuman regime is against the highest national interest of the Iranian people. The Iranian people are fundamentally opposed to the regime’s nuclear program that has resulted in the country’s poverty and setback, and the continuation of an inhuman dictatorship. The Iranian resistance, as has said times and again, calls for a non-nuclear Iran”.
Mrs. Rajavi, stressing that firmness is the only correct policy vis-à-vis the religious fascism ruling Iran, stated the following points as the necessary steps towards such policy:

1- Complete detailed disclosure of the regime’s nuclear projects by the IAEA

2- Boycotting the purchase of oil and gas from this regime, a stop to fueling the regime’s nuclear projects and its suppression and terrorism machine

3- Arrest, punishment and expulsion of the mullahs’ Intelligence agents and the Qods Force and Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) front companies that complement the sanctions and make them more efficient. Their main task is circumventing sanctions and acting against the opposition, especially the Mojahedin and the National Council of Resistance.
4- Recognizing the right of Iranian people and resistance to change the clerical regime. As long as the great powers resort to silence and inaction against the destruction of organized opposition to the clerical regime in Camp Ashraf, and as long as the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran still remains on the US terrorism list, the Iranian regime is confident that the West has been standing with them.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran 
November 8, 2011

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